Sunday, November 1, 2009

halloween with the bird from hell...

the festival of the devils work is nothing BUT fun-ness. in fact this lil diva believe halloween is the best party of all (besides xmas of course)!
however for one to truly enjoy the festivities of this festival there are certain rules to abide by if you wanna be as divalicious as half our kissable bootylicious butt cheeks.
1. if u wanna wear something revealing, fine but make sure u have the body for it. aint nothing appealing about muffin tops hannging over ur "sexy" nurse outfit.
2. fake blood is ok as long as u dont get any on every one elses costume! some people are hiring theirs and gotta return it in mint condition!
3. only ONE harry potter allowed at each party. its ok if there are generic vampires, devils etc.. but 2 harry potters? NO GO ZONE!
4. goin as Michael Jackson is NOT cool this year, maybe next...?
5. there is something truly disturbing when one is going trick or treating ... without little kids around. what are you, 30???
6. only wear outfits with a certain halloween theme, dressing up as a SLUT only means one thing - that you ARE indeed a slut.
these are just a few things that this diva discovered at this years rooftop halloween party.
meanwhile. something truly disturbing happened to this lil diva recently. i believe it was preparing me for halloween.
ok so there i was, driving along the highway (freeway) at about 100km an hour (60 miles) when i saw a bird on the road eating something, i honked my car and the bird mustve not heard me.
next thing i know i hear this BUMP and that was that. i looked in the rear view mirror and couldnt see any dead bodies laying around so i thought hmm...
perhaps i hit rock or something else???
so there i was, driving for a further 30min and all these cars and people were staring at me! i was thinking, daaaayum.. i must be looking sizzling hot. they must be jealous of my
then i drove past a few schools and some kids were crying when they saw me drive by... i was like wtf is goin on? cant they handle this divalicious goodness???

OMG.... wtf?!?!?!? its head got stuck ! and notice how the carplate says "the place to be" lol indeed!
so there goes my halloween story. my very first roadkill and it decided to hang around with me!
being the diva i am, i took it to the carwash to have it removed only to be greeted with a "im sorry, we clean cars not birds"

anyway, this diva has to be bounce... to brooklyn and keep on shakin my cellulite free ridden bumpity bump ass :P
hope ya'll have a happy halloween and if u dont abide those rules, ima personally fly over to which ever country you are and bitch slap you back to yo mama's vajayjay!